Water Conservation & Management

Water Conservation & Management

Recognising the critical importance of responsible water usage in our daily operations, a comprehensive Water Conservation and Management Policy has been laid down. This policy intends to minimize water wastage, and optimize resource efficiency through a series of proactive measures, including the installation of low-flow fixtures, implementation of wastewater recycling systems, and promotion of water-saving practices. JMI aims to significantly reduce its water footprint on campus. By embracing innovative technologies, educating our students, faculty, and staff, and collaborating with local authorities and organisations. The following specific policies are noted:

(A) Low-Flow Fixtures and Appliances
(i) JMI shall install low-flow faucets, showerheads, and toilets in all campus buildings to reduce water usage.
(ii) JMI shall ensure use of water-saving appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines in campus facilities. The condition of using water friendly appliances shall be integral part of the contracts awarded to canteen contractors.

(B) Wastewater Recycling
(i) JMI shall implement a wastewater recycling system to reuse water from sinks, showers, and laundry for irrigation of landscaping and gardens.
(ii) JMI shall utilize treated wastewater for flushing toilets in campus buildings wherever possible.

(C) Rainwater Harvesting
(i) JMI already has rainwater harvesting systems on rooftops and open areas to collect rainwater for non-potable uses such as irrigation, flushing toilets, and cleaning outdoor spaces. These systems shall be maintained to ensure their efficiency.
(ii) Wherever feasible, JMI shall create rain gardens, sponge lawns and roads to allow rainwater to infiltrate into the soil and recharge groundwater.

(D)Native Landscaping and Xeriscaping
(i) JMI shall convert landscaping to include native plants that require less water and are adapted to the local climate.
(ii) JMI shall Implement xeriscaping principles to design water-efficient landscapes that minimize the need for irrigation.

(E)Water-Efficient Irrigation Systems
(i) JMI shall install/upgrade irrigation systems to include drip irrigation, smart controllers, and soil moisture sensors to optimize water usage.
(ii) Schedule irrigation during off-peak hours to reduce evaporation loss.

(F) Educational Campaigns and Workshops
(i) Conduct awareness campaigns, workshops, and seminars to educate students, faculty, staff and neighborhood community about water conservation practices.
(ii) Encourage the university community to take personal responsibility for water conservation both on and off-campus.

(G)Monitoring and Leak Detection
(i) Implement a regular monitoring program to detect and repair leaks in plumbing systems, irrigation lines, and fixtures.
(ii) Use water meters and data analysis to track water usage trends and undertake annual water audits to identify areas for improvement.

(H) Collaboration with Local Authorities
(i) Partner with local water authorities, environmental organizations, and government agencies to share resources, expertise, and best practices in water conservation.
(ii) Participate in community initiatives and programs aimed at protecting local water resources.

(I) Incentives and Recognition
(i) Offer incentives such as rebates or grants for water-saving initiatives implemented by departments or student groups.
(ii) Recognize and reward individuals or groups within the university community who demonstrate outstanding commitment to water conservation.