Department Of Social Work
- Introduction
- Programmes/Courses
- Faculty Members
- Time Table
- Vision And Mission
- Research
- Milestones
- List Of Heads
- Centre Of Advanced Study
- Brochure And Manual
- Infrastructure
- Former Faculty Members
- Teaching Plan
- Students Magazine Dastak
- Events
- Syllabus Under CBCS
- Brochures (Placement)
- Academic Collaboration
- International Academic Collaboration
- Research Projects
- Fieldwork Agencies & Industrial Collaborations
- Important Links
- Contact Us
Time Table
- Department Of Social Work
- Introduction
- Programmes/Courses
- Faculty Members
- Time Table
- Vision And Mission
- Research
- Milestones
- List Of Heads
- Centre Of Advanced Study
- Brochure And Manual
- Former Faculty Members
- Infrastructure
- Teaching Plan
- Students Magazine Dastak
- Events
- Syllabus Under CBCS
- Brochures (Placement)
- Academic Collaboration
- International Academic Collaboration
- Research Projects
- Fieldwork Agencies & Industrial Collaborations
- Important Links
- Contact Us
- Time table of odd semester (2024-25) for all courses of the Department of Social Work (Last updated on 18 October 2024)
- Time Table 2022-23: PhD
- Time Table 2022-23: MA Social Work Sem-I
- Time Table 2022-23: MA Social Work Sem-III, MA HRM-Sem-III, CBCS-Sem-III
- Time Table: Social Work (CBCS) w.e.f 1st October 2021
- Time Table: Ph.D. Sem-1 (Odd Semester)/ MA HRM Sem-III (New Course) / MA Social Work Sem-III (New Course)
- Time Table 2020-21: MA HRM Sem-III (New Course)
- Time Table 2020-21: MA Social Work Sem-III (New Course)