Safety And Security

Identity Card: Identity card of the child is a must every day as no child without the ID card will be allowed in the center. It is mandatory.

Every day the parent/guardian has to accompany the child to school, sign in the register maintained by the school and let the teacher know that the child has arrived. At the end of the day; while taking the child home they have to inform the teacher and sign in the register again.

Apart from the parents, one more person with photograph identity and signature can be authorized by the parents to sign the child in and out, provided the parent applies for the same.

Custody and Visiting Issues: It is our policy not to interfere with the custody relationship of a child’s parents. As such, we assume that both parents/guardians have equal rights to pick-up/drop off, visit, or request document about their child.

If this is not the case, it is the parent’s/guardian’s responsibility to provide court documents and/or legally binding parental agreements to clarify the rights and responsibilities of the parent and/or guardians. We will follow the last court documents without prejudice, to either parent /guardian.

Biting: Experts in the field of child development agree that biting is within a range of expected behaviors among toddlers (13 months to 3 years of age). If a bite occurs, the teacher will first attend to the bitten child by comforting the child and gently cleaning the bitten area with soap and water. The child who has bitten will be removed from the immediate area and closely supervised for a period of time after the incident. We will prepare an incident report of the child who has bitten and discuss the incident with the child’s parents.

Dear Parents
Our constant effort at the Day Care Centre (Crèche) is to ensure the safety and stability you have always been looking for your child in your absence. We try our best to inculcate good budding habits and give high quality care to all our children.