Research & Consultancy
Explore various research areas being actively pursued by JMI's faculty & students.
Jamia Millia Islamia offers various academic & research programs through 10 faculties, 44 departments & 30 centres.
Explore our vast repository of programs starting from pre-school to doctoral degrees.
Take a look at various facilities, services & fellowships for JMI's enrolled students.
To nurture young children & impart excellent basic education, Jamia runs five schools.
To cater to the need of distance learners, Jamia offers several PG, UG, Diploma & certificate courses in distance/online mode.
Explore various research areas being actively pursued by JMI's faculty & students.
Find more about Patents filed/granted to JMI's faculty & students,Explore patent support & related procedures.
Explore JMI's vibrant, sustainable ecosystem that promotes innovation & nurture start-ups.
Jamia Millia Islamia is a research intensive university with an h-index of 129. Explore the enabling research facilities that faculty and students have access to.
Prof. Mazhar Asif, Vice Chancellor Mail: Tel: 91-11-26981717 Ext.1001
Prof. Md Mahtab Alam Rizvi, Registrar Mail: Tel: 91-11-26981717 Ext.1101
CA. Shaikh Safiullah, Offg. Finance Officer
Tel: 91-11-26981717 Ext.1301
Prof. Saroj Kumar Mahananda, Offg. Controller of Examinations,
Tel: 91-11-26981717 Ext.1450