

CCMG pursues an interdisciplinary commitment given the pivotal role of communication in the organization of institutional forms, symbolic system and pattern of everyday life.

CCMG seeks to foster a renewed relationship between media and governance that will benefit society at large.


Develop the Centre as a focal point for teaching, research, training and policy advocacy in the domain of communication in India and South Asia Incubate pedagogical innovations in media education

Catalyse dialogue between academia, government, civil society and industry

Frameworks of Media Governance

Any study of democracy in South Asia cannot ignore how the media report and interpret political events and issues, and how the media itself influence political interventions, catalyse participatory processes and shape public opinion. Furthermore, different policy practices have contributed to arrangements of cultural rights, regulatory regimes and informatisation in general. It is here that our thrust on the dynamics of media governance, especially in the making of an active citizenship, gets interlocked with the other two thrusts

Anatomies of Mediated Cultures

One of the defining features of modernity is that formations of discourse and imagery tend to fragment and proliferate, creating a complex and contested cultural field. We view the cultural field as a site of contests in which contending discourses and regimes of aural and visual representation struggle for visibility, credibility and for ascendancy. The various thematic rubrics herein find a locus for questions on/about the inter-relationship between cultures (of work & leisure), technologies (mechanical & digital) and the social.

Ecologies of Mediascapes

The two-way relationship between communication and industrialisation in the 20th century India is waiting to be explored. Excavating this together with the evolving ecology of media industries in the last 15 years gives an opportunity to explore the unprecedented social changes reshaping our historical present. The recent ascendancy of the creative industries in India forces us to investigate them as fulcrums of entertainment, information and as economic processes, including their national and trans-national institutional frameworks.


The objectives of the Centre is to study the interlink-age between media and governance in their various forms, at different site and their grounding in wider political, economic and historical processes. The aim is to explore the growing complexity in the governance of media institutions i.e. regulatory reform, best practice and legal instruments that shape media justice, access & equity. The idea is to track experience of governance through communication system i.e. the creation of procedures, norms leading to transparency & accountability, inclusiveness & participation, as also the underling notions of governmentality, sovereignty and communication rights. The focus is on developing pedagogical innovations in both academia and professional training. The Centre aims to initiate debate, share research & encourage dialogue between academia, government, civil society and industry at the local, national and global levels. The Centre strives to work as a think tank in addressing the dilemmas of governance in the new epoch of mediated culture