CCMG York University Collaborative Project


The Centre for Culture, Media and Governance is configured as a focal point of teaching, research, training and policy advocacy in the domain of communication in India and South Asia. The need for this Centre emerged as the complexity and effervescence of the media pose significant opportunities and dilemmas for governance at all level of social and political setting. The Centre recognises the need for an interdisciplinary commitment arises because communication plays a pivotal role in the organisation of institutional forms, symbolic system and pattern of everyday life throughout Indian subcontinent.


The objectives of the Centre is to study the interlink age between media and governance in their various forms, at different site and their grounding in wider political, economic and historical processes. The aim is to explore the growing complexity in the governance of media institutions i.e. regulatory reform, best practice and legal instruments that shape media justice, access & equity. The idea is to track experience of governance through communication system i.e. the creation of procedures, norms leading to transparency & accountability, inclusiveness & participation, as also the underling notions of governmentality, sovereignty and communication rights. The focus is on developing pedagogical innovations in both academia and professional training. The Centre aims to initiate debate, share research & encourage dialogue between academia, government, civil society and industry at the local, national and global levels. The Centre strives to work as a think tank in addressing the dilemmas of governance in the new epoch of mediated culture.

Abstract of Project

Media Framing in India’s Election Campaigns CCMG York University Collaborative Project: Duration: 2014-2016

The collaborative research proposal between Department of Communication and Culture, York University, Toronto and the Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi analyses the role of English press in framing two election campaigns in world’s largest democracy. The India’s General Election of 2014 is going to be a different kind of campaign where social media and mobile technology along with mainstream media are going to play a major role in the election campaigns. The collaborative project addresses the issue of campaigns through the lens of diversity. It involves monitoring and assessment of the Indian print media using a comparative understanding of the Canadian media experience, which will then feed into building a media diversity index. The collaborative project, therefore analyses how English press frames elections campaigns through a study of the Delhi assembly election campaigns in 2013 and the national election campaigns 2014.

Project Director

Prof. Daniel Drache, Professor of Political Science, Emeritus and Senior Research Fellow, Robards Center for Canadian Studies

Project Coordinator

Dr. Taberez A. Neyazi, Assistant Professor, Centre for Culture, Media and Governance, Jamia Millia Islamia