

Dr Mini Shaji Thomas

Faculty of Engineering & Technology, Jamia Millia Islamia, established in 1985, has distinguished itself as a leading knowledge hub for technical minds. With its bright students from across the country, able Faculty members and up-to-date research infrastructure, the Faculty of Engineering & Technology has been able to produce excellent graduates for the service of the Nation. Our graduates are gainfully employed in Government services, reputed corporate houses and high ranked educational Institutions globally.
The Faculty is home to over 2000 students and over 200 academic, administrative, and technical staff. There are seven departments, namely – Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Computer Engineering, Environmental Sciences and Applied Sciences & Humanities and all the departments offer PG and PhD programs along with 8 UG programs, including 3 new programs, in the fields of engineering.

In the academic year 2024-25, three new regular B.Tech. Programmes under Self-Financing mode, are started namely, B.Tech. Electrical & Computer Engineering by the Department of Electrical Engineering, B.Tech. Electronics (VLSI Design & Technology) by the Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (Data Sciences) by the Department of Computer Engineering. These three B.Tech. Programmes are quite relevant in the current scenario, in terms of market requirements, industry trends and policies of the Government of India
The Faculty undertook a major curriculum revision exercise in 2022 and the new revised curriculum was introduced from the Academic year 2023-24 for B Tech with reduced credits and Minors and Honors Degrees in emerging fields such as Electric Vehicle and Automation, Artificial Intelligence & Cyber Security, Energy & Grid Technology, Design Thinking & Innovation, Robotics & Automation, Robotics & AI, Nano Electronics & VLSI Design, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning to name a few.
The University Polytechnics also a part of the Faculty of Engineering and Technology with 2000 + students and two Centres, the AJK Mass communication Research Centre (MCRC) and Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE).
The FET has more than 130 faculty members who are engaged in research, in emerging areas of Smart grid, Deep learning, Artificial Intelligence, Advanced Manufacturing, Smart materials, 5G communications, Geotechnical and Environmental Engineering, etc, and are carrying out many research projects & consultancies in these areas. This gives the students, a glimpse of the emerging areas, coupled with regular revision of the curriculum in consultation with industry experts, alumni and academicians makes the students Industry ready.
At Jamia Millia Islamia, it is our endeavour to develop the students as rounded individuals and all efforts are made to ensure participation of the students in co-curricular activities on a regular basis and the campus has the student chapters of reputed international societies such as IEEE, ASME, ASCE, SAE, TRS, ISTE etc. Students are encouraged to excel in extracurricular activities.

I welcome you all to the Faculty of Engineering & Technology


To become a leading engineering institute through knowledge creation, acquisition, and dissemination for the benefit of society and industry.


  • To develop a centre of excellence by imparting quality education to produce technically sound and research-oriented professionals to face the emerging challenges of society and industry.
  • To enhance knowledge by innovative teaching, engaging in cutting edge research and developing linkages with industry.
  • To impart ethical, social, and environmental values to produce competent engineers for the service of mankind.
  • To inculcate technological capabilities through continuous interaction with academia and industry in emerging areas for sustainable development.

Faculty Calendar 2022-23

Departments of the Faculty:


The Faculty offers the following Programmes.

Bachelor of Technology (8 Semesters)

  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • Computer Engineering
  • B.Tech. Electrical & Computer Engineering (SFS) Department of Electrical Engineering
  • B.Tech. Electronics (VLSI Design & Technology) (SFS) Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • B.Tech. Computer Science & Engineering (Data Sciences) (SFS) Department of Computer Engineering
  • B Sc Aeronautics

Master of Technology (8 Semesters)

  • M. Tech. Environmental Science & Engineering
  • M. Tech. Environmental Science & Engineering (Part Time)
  • M. Tech. Earthquake Engineering
  • M. Tech. Mechanical Engineering
  • M. Tech. Electrical Power System & Management Engineering
  • M. Tech. Control & Instrumentation Systems Engineering
  • M. Tech. Electronics & Communication Engineering
  • M. Tech. Computer Engineering (AI &ML)
  • M. Tech. Data Sciences (SFS)
  • M. Tech. Energy Science (Full Time) SFS
  • M. Tech. Computational mathematics (SFS)
  • M. Sc. Environmental Science & Management
  • M. Sc. Environmental Science & Management (SFS)
  • M. Sc. Electronics

  • All Departments

  • Three year Diploma in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, Electronics & Communication, Computer Engineering,